Month: November 2018

Spreading the Resistance: Nature and Photo blog

Very nice, a very popular wordpress nature and photography blogger (site has over 10,000 followers)seems to have purchased an owl box just under 4 years ago. Just recently did a post about the first resident owl. Congrats! read the full account here: Emily Carter Mitchell ~ Nature as Art. nature and wildlife photography

as a side note, sorry but currently I am just doing boxes locally (NE massachusetts) but I am looking into a substitute format for the etsy store.

Fun Find

Site 1

The recent saw-whet owl was near by, but seemed to have only stayed in that roost for 1 day. I thought I had re-found it when I heard a cacophony of scolding nuthatches, chickadees,titmice,cardinals, and a single white-throated sparrow. Their ire was directed at small-mid sized well-foliated norway maple. Scanning the tree for the suspect owl, I finally got a glimpse of the culprit, but it wasn’t the saw-whet. It was a red phased screech owl. Most likely the same red phased owl that the box camera caught back on September 24th. The owl had not been back to the box since that day, but it would seem its still in the area, as the maple tree roost is about 700-800 feet away from the box.

red phased screech owl, through the only foliage window.

Owling Challenge 2018

Last years challenge was a bit of a pitcher’s duel, not many owls for points. I won last years challenge 1-0, with a road side barred owl. This year is off to a faster start. The first point for 2018 was also a road side barred owl, unfortunately it was too dark, and the docu-pic is in question. The ruling on the field is 1 point, but it maybe up for protest at the end of the season based on the poor quality of documentation. The second point was for a saw-whet owl that I was alerted to by tufted titmice. otherwise never would have seen it. So right now the score is 2 points for me, 0 points for my wife.

The questionable docu-shot for a barred owl, can almost make out the tail and the top of its head??? maybe a protest review if there is a tie.

Saw-Whet Owl 1 point for me


2018 Summary

One of the better years for this trail 6 nesting attempts with at least 15 owlets fledged.  Though there was a bit of site re-arranging .

Site 1
No Nesting this year, only owl seen this season was a one day snowy owl about 1/3 mile away.

Site 2
No screech owls…but calling of barred owls through out year.

Site 3
Screech Owls: 2 Red phase successful nesting

Total: 4 owlets fledged by 5/26/2018

Site 4


Site 5
Maryland successful nesting but details lacking
Screech Owls,
Yes, but no data

Site 6
First pair of screech owls at site.

Total: At least 2 owlets but timing?

Site 7
Relocated for 2017 season
2018: Total: Fledged 3 owlets first week of June.

Site 8
Total: at least 3 owlets fledged End of May.

Site 9
No Nesting but temp. substituted a near by  (but different territory) box that did have a nest

Total:  at least 3 owlets at substitute site fledged early June.

2018 Totals:
screech owl fledged….. 15+ (massachusetts)+ Maryland.