Month: March 2021

Site 4: As of March 17th, incubation?

Site 4.

Behavior is indicating eggs and incubations started around march 17th.

from the owner:

We believe the eggs have been laid. Last night the male fed her by reaching into the box, rather than her waiting in the hole for him. Of all the feedings, which there were at least 18 that the camera picked up, all were delivered into the box. She left the box for 6 minutes at dusk, once for 2 minutes at 1:30am, and once at dawn for 4 minutes. This behavior is what we witnessed during the last two nesting years when the eggs were laid. This is a week or so earlier than the last two seasons.

Squirrel + Owl interactions = 3 Videos

These first 2 are squirrel and screech owl, First one (well narrated) the screech owl successfully wards off a Fox Squirrel in Texas (a tad larger than gray squirrel of the southern US) internal and external views, Next a Gray Squirrel (although slightly smaller than fox squirrels they maybe slightly more aggressive) evicts a Screech Owl with internal and external view. Final video is from the UK where Gray Squirrels are invasive, and even though Tawny Owls (a tad smaller than Barred owls a tad larger than Barn Owls) may prey upon gray squirrels, this squirrel pushes the owl out of the tree hollow: all are are very well done and very intriguing.

all videos use with permission.

video courtesy of texas backyard wildlife
Video Courtesy of Megascops’ Manors there are more squirrel vs. screech owl interactions on the channel as well!

Embedded with permission of Robert E Fuller Website: Robert E Fuller | Wildlife Artist | Photographer | Naturalist YouTube Channel: Robert E Fuller – YouTube

Thank you and much appreciated for the uses of the videos! I love watching these interactions.

Getting Kicked Out of the House

Site 4.

I don’t know what he did, but its not good. Maybe a dozen voles would help?

from the owner:

This is a funny video. We saw the male leaving the box last night while it was still quite light, and we were wondering why he left so early… we know! You can see the leg of the female extending out of the box as the male is flying out. Apparently she was getting hungry and didn’t want to wait another 10 minutes until his usual departure time. Pushy little thing!

Some In-Box Friskies

Site 9

From the owner 3/4/2021

Mating has occurred and hopefully they owls will pick the box again this year! They are still coming and going!

From Feb 13th, from the owner:

We have the brownish morph female again and the little gray male! They have been taking turns in the nest box and now the female is depending every day in the box! Last night her mate showed up and they are following a similar pattern to last year! Fingers crossed they stay!

Thank you for the updates!-Scott