

photo  by: John Cushing

Welcome, My name is Scott and this is the log book to my Owl Trail, primarily Eastern Screech Owls, but hopefully, I will slowly have some additional Barred Owl sites. Most of the Sites are in Massachusetts, with one so far in Maryland.
Since 2010, this site is has been nice way for me to log and document successes,failures and fledglings.
How it started
This so-called trail is mainly family and friends I have recruited in my quirky hobby. Since they are my eyes and ears, it’s not nearly as involved as a bluebird trail seems to be. All the boxes are homemade. I started out building a few normal style boxes and they all got quickly over run with squirrels. So I began brainstorming for a solution, emailing and searching online. There has been much effort from other owl enthusiasts that have published information on blogs with similar issues (predators and squirrels) that helped shape this design. Now all I had to do was test it for owl acceptance and squirrel resistance, so far so good as most SQRboxes went up Fall 2009. The early prototypes integrated the Red Cedar (front and back and floor) from the normal style boxes with the White Pine lumber from the mill. Now they are all made from rough cut white pine because the mill is near by.

Another way to keep squirrels out is by use of a pole (telescoping purple martin) or post (12′-16′ 4″x4″) with flashing), this seems to work just fine and has the ability to face the box any direction and placed anywhere, depending on the amount of ‘qualified’ tree trunks in your own yard, this maybe the only solution for keeping squirrels out of your owl box. I utilize 2 normal boxes on purple martin poles, so far 2 (male and female from Site 3) screech owl has taking a liking to this set up as a roost (no nest, as 2 nesting has occurred in the nearby SQR type box) .

to give credit where due here are the sites and ideas that helped me with screech owls and brainstorming this design for my boxes.

Celeryfarm.net a blogger in NJ, has some great video and chronology of Screech owl family(s) over the years and has is own solutions for squirrels

Owlcam.com one of the originators of the ‘owlbox camera’ had a Fisher raid on a Barred Owl nest, his attempts are focused on that. only link left that works is the DVD sold on amazon.

Chris Johnson’s Screech owl cam has a very good notes page on how to build and owlbox, even gets into some aluminum flashing ideas to help prevent squirrels.


Owlbox.blogspot, another owl blogger who has gone to great lengths to keep squirrels out.(link defunct)

Camera Trap Codger, a wild life Biologist even used his camera traps to set up a squirrel “trials”.

About a Western Screech owl family on a house on a post.

Owlshack a box proprietor that has is own unique style, and has great FAQ section

A screech owl cam site in Texas that again show some ingenuity to keep squirrels from taking over a box. (link defunct) http://www.euclidstreetowls.info/owl%20box%20construction.pdf

Due to recent interest in these types of boxes I have set up a more formal ordering system, if you are interested in purchasing one of my screech owl box, please visit the OwlOasis Etsy Store.

As ofDec 1, 2023…. Etsy store is back up.  Boxes are a similar in concept but I have adapted the design utilizing a composite board for back, sides and roof.

The composite board (according to manufacturer) is:
• Made in the U.S.A.
• 100% tree-free
• Made from upcycled rice hulls, a rapidly renewable resource
• Free of phenol, formaldehyde, and adhesives
Zero-waste manufacturing
100% recyclable
• Resistant to water, weather, pests and rot
No fading, splintering, cracking or warping.

If you have any questions or are going to try to build your own
please email at owloasis@yahoo.com


  1. Our SQResistant box in Richland, WA with Western Screech owls eggs has started to hatch, first owlet three more to go. I took video of our “live owl TV” and would like to share it the video with you & others.

  2. Shortly before Thanksgiving, Scott installed a nest box of his creation.
    December 6th something bright caught my eye. I was very excited but then thought it was an orange oak leaf that had caught on the box.
    In fact, it was an adult Screech Owl checking things out from the hole in the box. I haven’t seen her recently but she or someone else was very active outside my window late last night.
    We are delighted. I hope she stays and invites someone to live with her.

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