imitation = flattery

I am flattered that my Saw-Whet owl imitation is garnering responses. I am 2 for 2 for serious outings vs. response, but the first time was early am, and I received different call back than I tooted, more similar to the ‘winter vocalizations’ according to cornell I never did get a visual the first time but I am pretty confident it was indeed a saw-whet.
The second time was today, I had some time after work to try a quick evening hunt. I like evening hunts as sometimes there is still enough light out to do some fun owl watching. I started just early enough to get some scolding by a carolina wren. I continued on my walk as it was getting darker I headed back. As I circled back, (about 5-10 minutes had passed) lo and behold an owl was tooting, presumably from my earlier attempts. So here is the scolding carolina wren(with flash) and a saw-whet silhouette, hand held photo. Photos were taken about 20 minutes apart.

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No points to the owl challenge though, as attracting with imitation especially alone doesn’t count.

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